and it's the promise of a whopper that bringing him, girlfriend nicole, and a video crew to the coast of portugal in november 2011. what was once a completely individual sport has evolved over time. toe surfing, where one person on a jet ski pulls another on a surfboard, allows surfers to catch waves that were once out of reach. they were just too far out to paddle to. simply put, this raises the stakes and the danger level. >> surfing is such a -- i don't know, for lack of a better word, maybe a selfish sport. it's us, our surfboard, catching our wave, not wanting anybody else on our wave. with toe surfing, now you have a partner. so there's that relationship. and that all plays on every given moment. >> on this day, garrett is the designated tower. his friends, al and andrew, catch the majority of the waves. while garrett never even intends to get on his board. >> they wanted to surf the left in front the rocks. and i didn't really want anything to do with that left. if you fall there, you're probably not coming home. so we go back out, and they're like, garrett, you go. and i'm lik