latest installment of giuliana saunders show almost here this time the focus is on the innocent casualties of the u.s. war on terror including one man who was released from guantanamo bay. difficulties in establishing truth in troubled arab nations the focus next as we get insight from media monitor sharif nashashibi stay with us. today i'm talking to sherry nashashibi he's the chairman and co-founder of an organization called arab media watch it's an independent nonprofit stolk which works towards the independent and objective coverage of arab issues in the media sharif nashashibi thank you very much for talking to us today now let's start by talking about the arab spring in general how much diversity have you seen in media reporting of what's going on. well i think for the for me the major issue has been the difficulties which the media face and reporting the arab spring. in all the countries where there have been protests and regime change the. very strict kind of attempts to stifle media coverage to stop journalists getting in. to stop them doing their work once they're in. i think tha