must therefore limit my comments as someone who walks beside you in the unwavering desire to ease your pain.mark's wiie gladys, and ggrrett.... unveiled marr fflkenhan's name through.(sot dennis nevilll/lost son)father bryan neville4 28 52it';s a difficult thing. t s a challenge not just forrtoday bbt months and years to come. and we've walked in their that we're here to support them.(sottstephen ardesty )4 30 23we look at ttis as &panohter part of thh healing process and remembering mark as the ggeattffther and community server that he was. and mark falkenhhn will be remembered every year this ceremony takes place... and every mommnt, inntheehearts of those who knew and loved him. mark falkenhan was a career &pfirefighter in baltiiore county, beffre retiring to poin the secret service in 2006, and becoming a volunneer firefighter. today --- many said goodbye to a world war 2 hero. hero.frreeds and family gathered at ruck funeral homee honor and remember baltimore native master ssrgeant paul wiedorfer of he united states army. he waa the last "medal of honorr recipient. wiedorfer died last wednesday frommheart faalure at the age 3&assnee disappointing job