steven hatch and glen ake were on the run. n oklahoma and learned that lawmen were on their trail for killing pastor and mrs. douglas and shooting leslie and brooks. sheriff lynn stedman led the investigation. and they ended up that next morning in fort smith, arkansas. keith morrison: still in the yellow malibu? yes, sir. they spent the night. then they walked to the bus station. keith morrison (voiceover): eventually, police managed to track down their yellow getaway car, abandoned now. but by then, they were long gone, had hopped a bus to memphis. they spent three nights there, drinking heavily. they lost about $1,000 while they were in the motel as a result of a cabbie bringing a couple of hookers to their room. and the hookers rolled them for about $1,000. keith morrison (voiceover): and after memphis, they wandered around southern louisiana looking for oilfield work before hitchhiking to new orleans. there, the two found jobs in a carnival. and ake took up with a young woman named virginia ginger keef. they hooked up with