and glen bolger has done tremendous work for rga and glenn's public opinion strategies one of those premier public polling firms. want to say thanks for the work you've done, including what he presented to us this morning. and then maybe tell us a little something about politics. bobby jindal was held at 66% of the vote in his reelection campaign. you may think 66, the other guy got 34. actually the person who finished second finish 48 points behind bobby. so i think you're going to enjoy hearing from each one of them. and i'm not going to let them have an opening statement. we are going to straight out and regular discussion. i'll just start off with you, glenn, because of the survey did this morning. the 2010 election was the biggest repudiation of the president's policy in a midterm election perhaps in american history. the election is almost exclusively about jobs, the economy, taxes, spending, deficit, dad. what about the 2012 election? >> well, those are the same reason issues along with health care, obamacare to that coming to your list of issues. and look, and this is a situation wh