as stephens, diplomat officer sean smith and former special operations members tyrone woods and glen doherty were killed. >> there is a lot of responsibility and onus that needs to be taken up and accounted for. [explosion] >> the attack began about 9:30 p.m. on september 11th, 2012. at a diplomatic compound in benghazi. and culminated roughly seven hours later at a second location. a cia annex about one mile away. while the official responses from washington have been that the assets could not have made it from benghazi in time that killed woods and dohety. there were at least two military units that could have made it in time. including the one training in croatia. >> besides those guys who went in on their own, we had two more assets that could have been there. >> two more assets that could have been on the ground. >> upsetting especially being in the community. the hardest thing to deal with in any kind of, you know, dangerous scenario or gun fight, is, you know, we always look to each other to help each other and that's how we get through situations. it's not about the assets overhead.