we discussed this issue with glen dyson, a political scientist, and professor at the university of south eastern no way, who believes the native states, all those who are motivated to escalate the situation. people are not allowed to suggest to sit down with russia and, and suggest that we have their work at a peace agreement. because at the moment anyone who suggests this say, well, that's what put in one, which means to either you support the war or you are russian. again, this to say, it's a big shame that there's no alterations out there with enough courage to say that this is, this is gone way too far. and we, we should sit down and find a peace agreement. one doesn't have to agree with russia us in nation in ukraine won't, can oppose it, but one can still admit that need to have provoked care and contributed to this conflict. and it's both in our interest and our responsibility to sit down with russia and try to work out an agreement. instead of seeing more and more people die on the battlefield, leave the us military force could intervene in ukraine. that's a message heard from a