. >> i asked glen greenberg about the impact regulation s have ha on his business and here's what he had to say. >> we're a little business. four investment professionals, three able assistants and we have seven in our office. up until all the years in my career, 40 years, until 7 years ago we knew the rules. guess advantaging your client. we have to have a full-time chief compliance officer. coming in and doing a mock audit and it's gotten very expensive for a totally nonproductive type work. basically if we were crooks, which we're not, you know, we would -- we would just go ahead and do the bad things. >> lie anyway. >> lie anyway. the good people are just shouldering a huge burden. >> there's a firm that has four principles involved in the firm and a full-time compliance officer. you're going to be a bad guy, don't do it anyway. we're going to hear from people in a number of different industries. there's a sense of it's too costly. is it truly unproductive to have 1/5 of your work force at your firm dedicated to that full time. >> i say two things to that. one is clearly these ty