glen greenwald, edward snowden, jimmy door, your co host for government secrets graham ellwood. i'm so a wide variety of folks, a number of media outlets are t, of course, as i mentioned, and some other news outlets too. so yeah, it's pretty sophisticated. it could just be somebody who has a few 1000 and followers who has, you know, sort of in target in the, in these lists. but often it's some pretty big influences as well. and do you have any, i guess you can't know precisely, but do you have any idea how they're using this information and these live so we're not sure exactly how the group social media research foundation, which is the nonprofit group that runs these reports or the for profit sort of arm of that group connected action. we're not sure exactly how they use these reports. we do know a lot about their ideology and what they purport to want to do with this information . so the guy named mark smith, who runs those aforementioned groups, he talks about doing social accounting. basically, you know, holding people accountable for the things they say online keeping track