workshops the sfmta has posted related to parking and transportation, we have been at the glen park neighborhood association meetings, and have been working closely with other agencies. we have also done office hours at the glen park recreation center, if people had questions, made ourselves available that way. people have been really involved, and that is great for our work. there are a variety of opinions, of course. in general, when we released the draft last september, we opened a comment period for this, we got about 70 different comments from different people. generally, there was support of the plan, which was good to hear. of course, they did not agree on all the different aspects. pedestrian improvements, pedestrian safety came through loud and clear as something people wanted improved. in terms of the transportation projects, people are interested in the transportation projects, supported the bigger ones, but wanted to see smaller, near term projects. people are tired of waiting. this has been going on since 2003. this is something we are putting an eye towards as we prioritize these community imp