. >> pajama's media, i believe, run by a conservative blogger, glen reynolds. >> this is somebody namedtch it. >> they're the ones always keeping people angry about the past, falsely accusing republicans of what the democrats have done. >> they're going put y'all back in chains. >> the guilty past and punish republicans for the past they're not guilty of, all part of democrat characteristics of covering up slavery for fighting to keep slavery evil to benghazi. i reckon syria can hide wmds, and just like charles ramsey was able to stumble over and discover the truth about his nasty neighbor, the truth will be uncovered with the failure of the obama administration in benghazi. >> you got some big testicles to pull this off, bro. >> your reaction? >> i think something web video lot of is duced a humorist. i don't know if he's going for humor. he's going for a colorful personality. we tried it at politico. the comedy world has seen this as well. with youtube, you can just vote a video of yourself. you're a comedian. i think in politics to produce daily show type of political humor or parody