now as director glen van currena knows, catholic charities is in a bitter legal dispute because when it comes to fostering or adopting children, they will take married and single people, but not same-sex or unmarried couples. >> the idea between a man and a woman and marriage is a sacred bound. cohabitating gay or straight is not sacred. it's not stable. >> it's in violation of church doctrine. >> right. >> we will continue to say that children are best raised with a loving home and a mother and a father. we are able to articulate it and it's the truth. that's what the church is about. trying to speak the truth to these very sometimes controversial social questions. >> last year, illinois enacted a law recognizing same-sex unions. couples like michelle and karin have the right to foster or adopt children. >> the church can decide whether or not they want to marry a couple. that's a church religious right. but the state has created ways for families to come together. they said that you can come together through adoption and it doesn't matter what that family constellation looks like.