the person asked to do the spying but says he refused is glenn carle. he says white house officials wanted to get juan cole. glenn carle is the cia officer in question and joins me for an exclusive interview. after he tells his story, professor juan cole will join the story. welcome. glenn, let me start with you. you were asked to do something that you believed and is in fact illegal. tell us what happened, how the request was made to you, and what followed thereafter. >> sometime late in 2005, i don't remember the exact dates, it is a while ago, sometime late in 2005, my superior returned from a meeting at the white house and called me into his office and asked me if i knew about professor juan cole, who was he? i said of course i know who he is. we had worked together on national council business a number of times and then started to ask questions about lifestyle and background in saying what you just summarized that the white house found him a severe critic and wanted to get him and i was flabbergasted. >> you objected to the request to get professor