vehicle update i keep on bringing up because i remain pleased as punch about it is that inspector glenn ellie -- inspector grenellie did inspection on the vehicles and will use his c.m.g. honda and will fin to do that and can answer any questions about that project and we did have a brief discussion that makes it a little less stealth but yet effective so we're glad that's happening. i think gladly there were no corrective actions needed on permits between the last meeting and this one and i am keeping my fingers crossed we continue to have mostly violence free weekends and certainly really, you know, violence overall regarding nightclubs. it's been quiet is really what i wanted to say. and lastly, the citation issuance procedure is this close. we are at reproduction right now and we will, as soon as those triplicate copies come back from reproduction, hopefully friday, mr. granelli will be out there with paper flying around issuing citations from the entertainment commission. unless, of course, the entertainment venues are all in compliance and therefore there will be no citations issued. wi