tavis: we're back with part two of the conversation with glenn frey. it was not supposed to happen this way, but sometimes you get a conversation that is so rich and inspiring and you want to spend more time with a great guy. we have a wonderful collection of standards and classics, and you will want to hear how he puts his own spin on this classics o stuff. we were in the middle of a story last night that i could not stop. you were talking about the heat is goneon. take of the story. >> i never thought i would get a song in beverly hills cop. they sent me this tape, and it sounded like something i might do, so i sang background vocals, and i did not think too much of it, and when the movie came out and the record came out, and not only that, but they are playing the heat is gone for the basketball tournament -- the heat is on for the basketball tournament. i was very lucky. i happen to be at the right place of the right time. >> you cannot imagine the opening of that song. that opening chase is unbelievable. it is not the same without the song. of how