scott nicholson, john mullins and glenn petit.ulled a fire truck out from the rubble. actually drove it out and they cleared a path and we walked into the back. that's where the other photographers were. a fireman motioned that there was something going on on the corner and we looked and the firemen were raising the flag. >> i was right over them, and i don't think the firefighters were aware of me. they were just doing what they were doing. these guys needed to do this for themselves. i think that's what it was about. they started to raise the flag and there wasn't much wind, so i'm really saving my last few frames. and, you know, finally the wind comes and i get a picture of the flag flying and i think the background had that like grayish blue sky and then this light just shining on it. >> i think at one point i almost got run over by a large tractor that was excavating material, and we really didn't think much of it then because we had so much other things going on. it was on the back burner. we never really gave it much though