but either way glenn rio was a , happening town in the 1950's. had a lot of fun photographing this. i had a lot of fun writing about it. this was truly a busy place along route 66. it is hard to imagine that cars would truly be stacked up five and six at the gas station, in the middle of nowhere like this. especially since it is so quiet today. all we have to do is look at the freeway a quarter-mile north, and that is where everyone is. >> our cities tour staff recently traveled to amarillo, texas, to learn about its rich history. to watch more video from amarillo and other stops on our tour, visit c-span.org/citiestour. you are watching american history tv all weekend every weekend on c-span3. approximately 4000 seminole indians who live in florida today are descendents of a band of seminole who never surrendered to the u.s. 1817 and 1858. over the course of those years, the majority of seminoles were forced to move west of the mississippi river to what is now oklahoma. next on "american artifacts," a visit to the seminole nation of