. >> so much hope there in little havana, glenna milberg, thank you very much from wplg for your reporting this morning. we appreciate it. >>> in 1977, abc's barbara with fidel castro. >> it was fascinating and years later in 1993 abc's diane sawyer interviewed him for primetime live. here are some excerpts of their fascinating talks. >> your newspa >> your newspapers, radio, television, motion pictures. no dissent or opposition is allowed in the public media. >> translator: >> translator: we do not have your same conceptions. our concept of freedom of the press is not yours, and i say this very honestly. i have nothing to hide. if you ask us if you ask us if a paper could appear here against socialism i could say honestly, no, it cannot appear. it would not be allowed. the government nor the people. >> why? >> translator: in that sense, we the u.s. >> do you think politically that an american president can lift the embargo an the embargo and resume relations with cuba as long as fidel castro is in power? >> translator: if i were the lew obstacles, i would be willing to give up not only my