glenis has even reminded me that we used to sell greenhouses!n the '805, the early '805 onwards, when the mines, the industries, debenhams was the harrods of this area because the money was so affluent. it was so thriving - in the 705 and '805. tougher times now with the retail shake—out sweeping through britain's high streets. it's like many other towns, exactly the same. and ijust hope the high street can be reinvented to get some sort of that feeling back. those final few hours are going to be hard? yeah. it's not easy. it's hard. and it's. .. ..because, a, it's the heart and soul of the town. b, it's the heart and soul of the workers, our colleagues. cheering and applause we'll go out with a smile on ourfaces. they did just that, as the shutters closed for the final time. emma simpson, bbc news, mansfield. that's all from us this evening. newsnight is coming up on bbc two. now on bbc one, it's time for the news where you are. hello and welcome to our look ahead to what the papers will be bringing us tomorrow, thursday morning. with me are po