team, because i was well known in the petroleum industry. >> everybody wanted to get the global climate coalitions for the global climate coalition. a lot of reporters were assigned to write stories, and they were struggling with the complexity of the issue. so i would write backgrounders, so that reporters could read them and get up to speed. >> "it is important for gcc to continue to emphasize the scientific uncertainty surrounding climate change. scientists, economists, academics, and other noted experts carry greater credibility with the media and general public than industry representatives. communication efforts should be directed toward expanding the platform for third-party spokespersons." the idea behind a third party is that you form a relationship with somebody who already has some stature or standing around a particular topic, in this case climate change, and you recruit that person, you pay that person, to give a speech, or write an op-ed. the global climate coalition would do the background work of placing that op-ed or maybe editing it. >> i met some really brilliant climatologists