drug war. recently the global policy commission -- or global commission on drug policy put out a report strongly arguing for decriminalization, president carter pushes an op-ed in in the "new york times" about decriminalizeation. you should look through it to see what are really the deep issues. i think -- i will try to leave it there. otherwise i will talk too long. the book contains -- the initial part of this talk provides an analytical structure of sorts to question some of the principle myths, i think these myths of cops and robbers, a true drug war, and if you're dead, your dirty. those myths have to be shattered before any kind of deep understanding and thus effective political action can be engaged in. the book largely chronicles the experiences of mexican journalists working for local media in some of the most -- in monterrey, and also profiled several endemic cases where there were survivors to speak with and family members of people who fell victim to the violence. i tried to take a side view and not simply go back and forth between the state, the police, who have easy hack certificat