the truth is already the lingua franca of politicians evan is the director of global policy institute at queen mary university in london she joins me tonight from london catharine welcome to the day your piece today in the guardian it caught our attention because you write that outright lying is the winning currency of the populace how does that apply in the case of austria where it's believed voters punished the far right party due to a corruption scandal. so i think what's interesting about austria is that it is a corruption scandal and it's not exactly the same kind of lying is that we've seen elsewhere one of the interesting things about it is that the f.b.i. which is a far right party more than a populous party let's face it. actually you know lost power was ejected from the coalition's trying to have to resign because of new elections and i think that there are 2 tud went down very poorly i'm i'm wondering i'm asking myself whether in fact you know if they had gone down really fighting rather than kind of you know abandoning the stage if you like whether they went to been a little bit more credible but