comes in a generation that studied in the '90s, and is really an international postconceptual globetrotterkind of artist that today defines himself by the myriad of experience that he has had. so more and more i think... of course, all of our history influences and informs everything we do. but some artists i think feel they have more in common with an international group of artists, or international issues that they're dealing with. and also, for instance, today, an artist drawing in new york has more in common with another artist living in london or mumbai-- they are big capitols, big cities, in which a lot of things are going on-- then someone painting in chihuahua, you know? so rural, urban, global connections are changing the way we think. so perhaps the labels will be urban artists versus rural artists at one point or another. >> hinojosa: so if there is a young latino artist, or any artist, your message to them is what, as they're watching this and they're saying, "look, that's a huge art world, there's no way i can compete"? as director of el museo del barrio, what do you want thes