together with the guests, are trying to wake up the fire-breathing dragon, which the evil sorcerer gloganin order to prevent the arrival of the new year in a fairy-tale land. how, how, who is bothering us here, drumming loudly and angrily, who wants to harm us? let's stay in the round dance and tell the story together, how sad we will be on new year's eve without the snowy woman , but let's go, now let's hold hands. i heard, i greet everyone , friends, snow elf, my name is snow elf, how glad we are of your arrival, we need to wake up the dragon, we definitely need to, i read an old book, we need to call the dragon, together, cheerfully and amicably, in order to destroy the witchcraft, for magic to appear, we will call the dragon. in all fairy tales, the invariable thing is that villains cannot be happy, each of us can live like in a fairy tale, but we should take a correct look at ourselves, our inner state, we after all, we can want happiness. correct, change, learn to become kinder, better and share joy, because every fairy tale must have a happy ending. a fairy tale is a subtle art, as