. >> gloria arroyo's father served with the underground resistance during the occupation. she attended georgetown university in 19d 70 and in 2001 she became the president of the philippines. >> when you were a student at georgetown -- >> yes. >> did you think that you would be the president? >> no, i did not imagine that i would be the president of the philippines. even at that time, we were supportive of the united states, and together in the war against korea and the war against vietnam and now we are together in the war against terrorism. >> we know that dating back as far as 1995, terrorists have trained here and been linked to al qaeda. >> be behind the walls of the manila walls, this famous plot took place, and the master minds were ramzi yousef who tried to destroy the world trade center in 1993, and his uncle, the notorious shaikh mohammad which is to use liquid explosives to blow up airliners over the pacific, and they also wanted to assassinate pope john paul in manila, but before the pope arrived, this hideout caught fire and the police discovered the hideout.