donors we're really part of the choir she's organized this project would not be here today without gloria duffey (clapping) so some of the other members of the choir are bill is back there i believe. arthur rock and antonio e thompson who have been long time members and kaiser permanente, we have a very generous member of our board who is unanimously made several large gifts to here's to unanimous here's the to the user i irvine foundation the chevron corporation mitch and kathy johnson aren't i supposed to have an automatic package turner. the bechtel foundation and others we've got a lot of generous people i want to say one other thing about the club. some of you that know me better than others are aware of my politically i think inclinations on the conservative side who pains me, however, the dialog the political dialog in our country has become unfortunately bitter, contentious, derivative and one of the things that the club offers all of us is an opportunity for civilized dialog in a world that sorely needs it so congratulations to all of us particularly to the people are involved directly