almost $58,000 and my coworkers and i receive slightly more than half of that a large part of my gloria killian income goes to rent and if not for rent control i wouldn't live in san francisco at all interest it is only fair that some of the budget surcharge from 2014 be used for funding for nonprofit and raidss for nonprofit workers as promised by this board of supervisors justice for the workers who have to make the city a better place for everyone to live thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> board of supervisors my name is nick jenkins. >> please pull the microphone closer to our mouth mr. jenkins. >> i'm an employee of the tenderloin housing clinic to keep people housed what we have their situation some of the residents have mental illness those are people are not well we provide a place for home as a desk collect i keep resident safe and make people comfortable i have to enforce the rules some accept and so resent i'm a residential manager with the clinic which is an unpaid position that allows me to stay in the city free i'm also on the clock if i didn't have this position i couldn't