my name is gloria salazar. i am a member of the tenderloin filipino-american community association. and i've lived in the tenderloin for the past 20 years. i'm here today to say that we're posted to this hospital being built in our neighborhood, because cpmc has continued to ignore the demands of the community and even the recommendations of the mayor. i'm a senior and i'm on medcal and i know that pcmc accepts very little medcal patients. i cannot agree to this proposal with the development in our neighborhood. but it should also serve our needs. the tenderloin does not want this hospital unless cpmc will open its doors to our community. therefore, i urge the honorable members of this commission not to approve this project without considering the benefit of the community and that cpmc must sign the community agreement. thank you very much. [applause] president olague: thank you. >> good evening, commissioners. i'm evangeline, and i'm a resident of the tenderloin for the past 22 years and a member of the tenderloin filipino-american community association. i am here today to express