like gloria spotswood from virginia. she receives a subsidy to help pay for her plan. at the thought of losing her subsidy, she says, "i'm scared, sitting in the lobby of her condominium building here because her air conditioning had broken and she didn't have the money to fix it. she said i don't see how, in all honesty, i would be able to afford to pay the whole thing. they also spoke to mary katzke, a film maker in anchorage who said there is no way she can pay without her subsidy. these are real people relying on the law. >> kristen says her 19-year-old brother and parents in their 60s have signed up under the aca. she hopes the benefits she received under the law won't be affected by the court rulings. >> it's easier to find doctors and pharmacies i can get my medication at. >> if something happens, i have a place to turn. >> that reassurance could fly out the window if a federal court of appeals ruling sticks. >> she takes a pill to take her high blood pressure. >> i thought i was healthy. >> she went to her first well check doctor visit in 12 years after getting