please welcome gloria steinam and jane fonda. a women's radio network now. >> apparently because women listeners --. >> stephen: i'm sorry, i don't mean to interrupt you. we should be doing this over at the set. what am i thinking? let's go to the kitchen. ( laughter ) >> stephen: what better time to explore the bounty of the american harvest then when there's a little nip in the air. today we're going to make the greatest desert dessert in the world, the american apple pie. gloria, if you grab some of those macintosh apples and explain to me, what is the state of american feminism? >> it is sort of like this apple -- extremely healthy, full of vitamins, meant for everyone, transforms everyone's life, and one addai and you'll keep the revolution away. >> stephen: okay, great. i'm going to put a little bit of flour out there, and if you would roll out that dough and tell me what is important now about women's media? isn't there already women's media? we've got lifetime, oxygen, dr. schlessinger and anne coulter. >> women are leavi