the greatest movie actresses born on this date, gloria swanson. she starred at age 15, by 19, hollywood's leading lady, she turned down a contract for a million dollars a year, nominated for the first academy award at 30. she worked in getting persecuted jews out of europe, made a comeback in t.v. and gave the single best performance in t.v. history as the silent film star driven mad by her career collapse. she kept acting, lived to be 84, made her last film appearance in airport, 1975, just 60 years after her film debut. all right mr. demille i'm ready for my close up. time marches on. >> we begin with the pope wearing a com brother row. while in mexico, the pope donned a sombrero. when in rome... actually, when he's in roam, he wears a different hat. he said he liked wearing it, it was just like his favorite movie, the three amigos. he is now in cuba, we hope to have a picture wearing a hat and smoking a stogie. >> it's an 800 pawned paper airplane. it was designed and attached to a helicopter to see if it could fly. it does fly for a few second