glutial, meaning glutial. making my tunnels -- >> reporter: everyone on the office is in on dr. miami's snapchat game, broadcasting every detail. >> zip-a-dee-doo-dah -- >> reporter: from the moment he walks in the door. >> today we have a bbl, bbl, implant exchange, bbl bam. >> awesome. >> reporter: into the o.r. where cynthia is halfway through her transformation. >> all right, so this cheek is done. look how tense it is. i can't get any more fat out of there. >> reporter: dr. miami's popularity only seems to be growing. >> here are your final ialists best snapchater of the year -- >> reporter: he came in second, losing to >> maybe next year. >> reporter: while snapchat may have made him famous, his patients say the work speaks for itself. ten days after her surgery, cynthia's back side has been transformed. >> how nice does that booty look now? >> reporter: thanks to snapchat, it's there for everyone to see. >> so we're all done. look at this booty. i'm going to show you the before and after pictures. >> reporter: for "nightline" i'm rebecca jarvis in miami. in new york city.