inspired by figured outlines, delicate patterns, laminated plaster, torn and boasted cornices darechy, glybotskiny remember that there is a transept. tsikava, that it was placed on the pasyaredzina voncavay kampazitsyi zbudovanya, that in the past , four adnolka vezha on the corners gave a lustreous dimension not only to the tarts, but also to the tank facades. the new budynak shape of the roof for the cost of the gallery of the nave and transept, on their perennial pastaulen bathed, we are not much, because it was shaved in the boulders of the dahu, and in the tanks of the nave were dipped in two drops, the same drops itsy, dakladna, not nefs , so there are memories... doors, passages, and also special exits from the side of halounaga naf. special exits were made in order to ensure that this was the end of the carmelian monastery. the monastery itself is simply a cascade and a courtyard with closed galleries. such a plan was first known in the italian garades, and then the slaughter of the manas horde. spread throughout all of europe. in such galleries, people walk around the temple and do not