gmb failed to act in my best interests, i'm only receiving five years..." years." no, no, that's not true. really? and you would... categorically, you would need to bring individual cases to us that we would look at, if you're going to make that allegation, because i would say it's not right. 0k. we were given the wrong legal advice, we took the wrong cases at the start or we did not pursue the same cases as the private lawyers, or indeed one of the other unions. but our members were not left at a detriment in the end. that's the matter of... that is a matter of fact. did some of your women members lose out in equal pay deals? so, some union members and some employees generally missed out, because the system is individual. people need to consent to have somebody act for them, they need to lodge a personal claim. were you, as a union, proactive in telling your women members, "you are eligible for a claim"? or, "you can puta claim in, "go and puta claim in"? i can say that with confidence. you were proactive? i wrote the letters. i wrote, personally, letters