gnagaraja? >> i started off being the worker bee, taking her visions and making them into something, so instrument technology, operating mission control, so making sure astronauts in space are safe. and now i get to do communications, so i'm in the business of being able to take these wonderful things that nasa's doing and put them in a way so that people care about it, so they'll listen to us, they'll hear what we're what we're doing. >> and i think i read that you used to train shuttle and space -- >> i did. >> -- astronauts? >> yeah, i did. one of the coolest things i've ever gotten to do. the little 5-year-old girl in me could not believe that's what i got to do when i grew up. it wasn't even a job i knew existed when i was little. it's just something that as time goes and you start getting exposed to different things, you realize, huh, that's something i think i would like to do. >> ms. hawkins, i understand that right now you are working on something really big, putting humans on mars. >>