gnome sonoma. >> yeah the destinations here, distinction here, all of the height the zoning districts in split height are larger lots above half an acre and so for half an acre to three ache retro customers the special zoning use calls them out and says we are going to give you some additional height but to take advantage of that height it require an additional use and one of those pro visions that instead of paying a higher tier impact fee you pay a tier one impact fee for residential but instead of paying 15% or providing 15% on site affordable it refers to the tier b for afford. and so you do a higher rate of affordability which, is 20% and exchange essentially and if we don't adopt these changes to thezoicking map and planning code, then none of those parcelels and that pro vision that increases the affordability could not apply to those zones split of hair son street. >> i think we are still going to get significant housing there and 15% affordable and it's going to be built at a height and bulk that is more appropriate. >>> so as i understand it, it's about there was a deal that