in 2007, 2008 when again this goddy -- body voted on raising the debt ceiling. the president w is a senator from illinois was absent for both votes. fast forward to president obama. he's proposed a budget that raises this debt by trillions of dollars with no spending cuts. and then he famously invites our colleague, paul ryan, to the white house to lecture him on sensitivity and entitlement reform while offering absolutely no plan whatsoever on his own for entitlement form. and then he said he wanted a clean debt ceiling increase, free from the nuisances of spending cuts and entitlement reform. and personal responsibility. how do you go from voting no on raising the debt ceiling to saying you want a cleaninease in the debt to now saying you want to do something transformative that exos -- echos in eternity? mr. speaker, the president says he has a plan. forget our skepticism. i'd like to see the plan. i prefer cut, cap, and balance, over punt, pass, and kick. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the chair would congratule both floor manager