florists are flipping out hall mark is happy and godiva is going gaga as the valentine's day industrial complex gears up for its super bowl on february 14th but is technology competing with cupid and is commercialism creeping out the uncoupled let's ask kristin ruby c.e.o. of ruby media group a public relations and social media group in manhattan for a great tutorial on media relations read ruby media group dot com chris welcome back. they to you thanks so much for having me matchmaking websites have been around since dot com and lots of us have traced our family trees by sending away our spirits chris tell us how d.n.a. dating apps work. yes so d.n.a. match making is really going to be the future of personalized medicine so what they're doing here is they're taking sites like a $23.00 and me or ancestry dot com one step further and instead of doing genetic testing after you're already married or after you're thinking about having kids what they want to do is basically get rid of any genetic hereditary diseases from people by blocking potential matches that may be problematic for you so