sheaf want she went to gofundme and two dozen well wishers fund herd to go to the white house and meetme. >> just super >>> this morning on "world news now" -- more arrests in the boston bombing case. this time friend of the suspect are accused of helping dump the evidence. >> also this morning, 3,000 acres burning in southern californ california. how firefighters are trying to get the upper hand on this intense blaze. >> he had two vehicles, two ice cream trucks, they were both engaged in the course of conduct. >> then a softie smackdown on the streets of upstate new york. how fondness for frozen treats be came a cold war. details on the frosty fight between mr. dingaling versus snowcone joe. it's thursday, may 2nd. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. >> mr. dingaling versus snowcone joe. a battle. >> nearly impossible to say that on tell veevision without crack. >> pretty much. we are at day four, we look to say. almost friday eve. >> it is friday eve. >> everybody. >> we are excited. when friday eve hits, smooth sailing into the we