these gofundme pagese and there isn't necessarily guidance from the office of government ethics as to how feds should deal with this. >> john: are they working on putting guidance out am. >> nicole: oeg did put out standard guidance before they left. much of that office is furloughed. the guidance was frankly pretty generic. agency ethics officers likely aren't working, they're most likely furloughed. but general counsels should be working. so with federal employees have questions about thimtion, and they want to be proactive they could email their general counsel. >> john: what's a gofundme story you've seen during this story. >> nicole: a lot of them similar, family members with disabilities or serious medical conditions, one might be a erfederal employee the other mit be a stay at home mom or dad, and just the financial that a government shutdown brings is causing them hardship. >> john: we had a caller in the last segment a federal employs upset up about the trump administration appointees getting a pay bump during the shutdown, can you talk about the status of that and where that