professp professprofessor honor, gohonor, good topl r fitzpatrick. this whop this whole idetha single district judge could issp issue an injunction t cover tp cover the whole co everybop everybody inev inconsistent wir inconsistent w individualizindividualized sho plaintiplaintif plaintiff wouwould have to make. >>>> r >>>> i couldn'p more, senator. there p there is a very go thrthat article iii of constitution prohibits district coup coucourt judges from ee injunctions. arti wiwill the supreme court have grap grant writ on that is? hp how could how could e grap grant writ on that is? hp how could how could decision? p >> well, i think the court could decide that this goes beyop goes beyond t go power power of the federal cou. i believe thp i believe i one p one of the travone on i believe thp i believe i one p one of the travone tthe courp the court did n issup issue, although justi dp did write a separate op that went into that. p i think the congress cou probabprobably do something ab. i thii think you could probabl a statup a statute that sa cour