we are goingion -- to be doing a very strong number. it is killing us. it is killing us.bad for the economy, it is bad for all of this illegal immigration, and i have legal, you come in and we are going to have a good time and we are going to be there and you are going to do great. we are not going to hurt our economy and anyway, shape, or form. we are going to make our economy much, much stronger. givee are also going to jobs to people that are here. we are going to get jobs. we are going to get jobs. but to the illegal immigration -- i did this and i made my determination, i took a deep breath because i will tell you what, it takes courage to say i'm going to run for president. it really does. especially in my case where i have a great business and i love my business, i love doing it. i own some of the great properties in the world. miami, i may never see it again. [laughter] thank you, i love you. look at her. [laughter] scotland, the home of the british open, i'm a never see it again. all of these incredible places that i have, but more than that, it takes courage bec