all this time, golan is making outreach to you.eah, and i think he also saw this as an opportunity, an opportunity to get involved in politics. so how cognizant were you that bringing golan cipel from israel to new jersey to be on your staff was...setting yourself up for what happened? that's a great question. i-i-i sincerely don't know the answer to that. -you don't know. -i don't know the answer. ♪ golan cipel was eager to come to new jersey to join mcgreevey's campaign, but he needed papers to work legally, which would cost jim another favor from charles kushner, who had the businesses to sponsor the work visa. now with all their fates tied together, mcgreevey, cipel, and kushner set out to win the new jersey governor's race at any cost. jim mcgreevey, the democratic candidate, has been able to spend $1.7 million so far. jim mcgreevey has spent about $20 million. i got a figure. mcgreevey would say, "how many fund-raisers do we need to do? i'll be there." we have had eight years of failed leadership. margolin: "i'll speak. you'l