efforts that went right through the nixon to try to beat back the golan tarion efforts that went right through the nixon years you see it in many respects and over on the right you see it in things like yours you see it in many respects and over on the right you see it in things like the famous powell memorandum. the famous powell memorandum. to the chamber of commerce major business. leaders supreme court just sent to the chamber of commerce major business. leaders supreme court justice. how warning them that business is losing control over the society is how warning them that business is losing control over the society. and something has to be done the cadi. and something has to be done to counter these forces corsi puts it in terms of defense defending ourselves after these forces course we put it in terms of defense defending ourselves against outside power. against outside powers. if you look at it it's a call for business to use it. if you look at it it's a call for business to use its control over resources to carry out a major offensive to beat back the control over resources t