. >> when you golanyplace, there are cell loans. they may be the old plastic ones, but that's allowing digital platforms. mobile money. in kenya, 87% of gdp runs through a mobile phone system. we've got them in the philippines, bangladesh tanzania. so these are happening at scale. a remote woman in a rural area, if her husband goes into nairobi to get a job, he can send digital money back the to her on her phone. meanwhile, she can save a dollar a day from selling eggs on the market so when it comes dime for school fees, they have the money. and as cell phones get better when she gets her crop to a middle man, she knows market prices and when he says i only get $10 a bushel, she says the market price was 20, when that happens, when they become smart they will tell you over southeast asia -- we know one in three women experience violence. if a woman gets in a violent situation in india, she can push a button and six people know she's in trouble. >> if you improve agriculture techniques, you will change the lives of hundreds of millio