the problem is goldhagen made no meaningful comparison to anti-semitism in any other country and this is really a no-no. this is kind of social science 101. you don't make a claim that this country, germany the united states france belgium whatever come is unique and mike every other country in some important way much you compare that country to a lot of other countries. and even worse for his argument had he done so he quickly would have seen something that historians of anti-semitism can tell you right off the bat which is that pretty clearly in anti-semitism was far more widespread deeply-rooted and violent in eastern europe and on the territory of the soviet union that was in germany during the first few decades of the 20th century. so the second major contention of that book is that virtually the entire, the overwhelming majority of german society subscribe to this fear lent so-called elimination is to anti-semitism and actively approved of the holocaust, that they all basically agreed that the jews should be killed because the jews ought to die it flies in the face of a huge amo