goldman j.p. morgan city bank of course they're all part of the same fire. natural infrastructure and of course they're all abusing the products of these drug cartels all over the world and of course that's one of the reason why the stock market's going higher because the brokers themselves are still crack out of the mind on drugs while the final headline is relating to this quantitative policing the u.s. government will spend five hundred eleven million dollars to expand its embassy in kabul the u.s. ambassador said place for something you know the resale market on the on the opium this is a this is a sell financing embassy expansion five hundred million they'll make that the first twelve months on the street sale of all the crack and opium that the government will be selling in the ghettos around the world and particularly in the us in the ghettos that they create you know corrections corps of america who who's behind the the anti immigration bills in america it's correction corps of america to fill their jails because that's their business model well stay