. >> narrator: golhom, another friend of dastager, owns a restaurant in takhar. >> narrator: there hadn an argument. some of the other men wanted to take imam home tonight, but dastager was having none of it. >> narrator: najibullah caught up again with dastager at one of his favorite spots, a swimming hole for men and boys. he asked him how the practice of bacha bazi, which had almost died out in afghanistan, was brought back to the country. >> narrator: as a former northern alliance commander, dastager remains one of the most powerful men in takhar. at night, he travels with a bodyguard provided by the police. >> narrator: dastager lives in a wealthy neighborhood. he is married and has two young sons. >> narrator: though he has sons of his own, dastager was looking for a new boy in his life. >> narrator: dastager had arranged to pick up his new boy here at his uncle's barber shop. we have disguised the identity of the boy, who we'll call "shafiq," for reasons that will become clear as his story unfolds. >> quraishi: dastager said that shafiq was 11 years old, but to me he looked no m