for me, his mis meof the suice determin system e golngadge. -- detrent systemon gold gate bridge. they have aopio a to a myopic view of this issue whether this is a city or a arent tt ose wh cld east. thss are nobancedn this equation. there is a ormoamounof moytt is spent to market, advertise, andsecthe menu whicwi beeao customers particular you people. thugh woith my colleags and meetingith aocates o see hat $1.2 billioineas ing so to children under 12 withtoys and this repsents on in ve chen othat agethat are ting at the restaurant. the $360 milli spent on toys, th is morethan t iss of goodarenting i wou theirst to confessed at even we sa in the today, thisas ot just mcdonn's that was the h in theot sea -- this was otjust a monald'sth as in the hot seat. i want to these youngwometo eel empowered in the oces of talking aboutthis gisln and king bout it. therlity is tt there is t instant dismissal of this legiation and this approh. when sat in a room with the people suprtinthis legislation hese arepeople that a fighting the good gh these are iividuals that are workg in theutheast i