ethnic violence which was getting worse because of that and it came to a head when i flew over the gombe national park in the tiny plane and looked down gombe was once part of this equatorial belt that stretched from east africa and curled through west tanzania through burundi uganda and then right to the west african coast through the congo basin and when i flew over in nineteen ninety and looked down it was an island of forest a tiny island of forces the smallest national park in tanzania surrounded by completely bare hills more people living there than the land could support they'd been moved from their traditional villages they were supposed to be doing communal farming and that was not european by the way. they were struggling to survive and this is when it hit me if we don't do something to help the people we may as well give up conservation i'm very well aware of the problem you speak of when they've been forced out of the forest that's happened in burundi and i think it's happened in rwanda as well but i know about the burundi ones and it is shocking it's really heartbreaking to